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During the Kindergarten students focus on the following topics:

Religion helps us to grow in our understanding of God as our loving Creator, Jesus as one who died and rose again for us, and the Bible as a sacred book which reveals God's love for us. Students learn about the seven sacraments and during second grade have the opportunity to take part in receiving their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. 

In Language Arts the focus is on reading, phonics, writing, spelling, and speaking. Students move from identifying letters and sounds to putting all the pieces together to read more complex words and stories.  In addition to using pictures as clues to support reading in context, students build word recognition skills and strengthen reading fluency.  

Math engages students in four main areas which include developing understanding and strategies for addition & subtraction, whole number relationships and place value, developing understanding of linear measurement, and reasoning with shapes and their attributes while decomposing and composing shapes. And as students move into second grade they begin to learn about telling time and counting money.    

In Science students study light and sound waves, the structure and function of living things, patterns and cycles in space systems, the process of a life cycle, outer space and engineering design.

Social Studies provides an opportunity to learn about communities, the passage of time, comparing the past with the present, using maps, leadership, American symbols and important events in U.S. history,  history of our local and parish community, and spending and saving money.  

Students in the primary grades benefit from instructional assistants, a learning specialist who works with children across the academic spectrum and participating in Spanish, computer, library, PE, and music classes twice per week from teachers who specialize in those disciplines. 

Does your student have a summer birthday and you are looking at Kindergarten?  Have you thought about Transitional Kindergarten?  Use this tool to help learn more about the difference between TK and K.