Welcome to the wonderful world of Pre-School at St. Cecilia!
This room is yours to explore every corner. Everything is here for your senses to discover-the world lives in this place and all it needs is you!
Students at this age are like sponges, ready to absorb everything. Between the ages of 3 to 4, children are moving from independent and parallel play towards interactive play. Therefore, developing social skills, good verbal skills and problem solving skills are all important at this stage of their development. Children at this age are also very tactile and learn best through "hands on" exploration. As a result, much of what we teach will be introduced using concrete or real objects.
There is so much personal and social growth taking place at this age! Academic concepts are also introduced at this age level through many hands-on, theme based activities. Students are exposed to a variety of academic concepts, primarily focusing on letter recognition, handwriting, and number sense. Do not be overly concerned if your child does not pick up every concept that is introduced. Students are exposed to everything with the hope that they will learn to develop and grasp the knowledge in their own unique way. If not, it will happen when they are ready. As our students proceed through the years, they will be consistently working towards the mastery of these skills. It is an exciting journey that we love to begin together!